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February 10, 2017
1This item is archived and can no longer be modified.
1This item is archived and can no longer be modified.

XP for Feb 8th!

I want to start breaking it down, rather than it being a number in the corner that just goes up until you gain levels. The start of a braver, bolder world of xp, we might suppose. 

  • Finding Cristina: 110
  • Defeating Cristina: 230
  • Slaying the corrupted dire bear: 450
  • Confronting each other about Tyrtaeus's condition: 250
  • Social Encounters and Ambitions pursued
    • Muse's discourse on the soul: 70
    • Tyrtaeus's temptation of Melly: 80
    • Gene coming to terms with his nature: 80

Remember, you can still submit Adventure logs and Reflections.