Narcel'Uss Tanorthal TalesNo More Little Games<div><p>"The Chosen will kill all of us"</p> <p>"Do they come in the night?"</p> <p>(pause)</p> <p>"...They <em>are</em> the night"</p> <p style="text-align: center;">. . .</p> <p>I think on these words exchanged between myself and Dorian. With Vani nursing her fresh wounds, I think they finally realize the mistake we have made. I never should have stayed. I should not have been swayed with warm tea and warm words. I was…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalThu, 01 Sep 2016 00:43:39 -0400 Close, Yet So Far<div><p>Curses! Have we not thought to put locks on the doors? Our forgetfulness and our arrogance has led to a break in at the manor. Of course, Jeremiah was not much assistance in our absence. He makes a good underling but a terrible guard. I believe I heard him muttering something about being "a lover not a fighter". However, nothing of import seems to…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalThu, 04 Aug 2016 03:20:28 -0400 the "Chosen"<div><p><em>"Hold thy tongue, Narcel'Uss"...</em></p> <p>Her words sometimes still come to mind, unbidden and unwanted, yet startlingly clear. As though she is still standing behind me and commanding me with her firm words. Teaching me how to follow her path. My mother...</p> <p>My mother was unknowable. She was a was a bright, burning star in my life and the lives of my…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalSun, 12 Jun 2016 15:59:25 -0400<div><p>Ildan and I returned to the manor from some business in town to find a hastily scrawled letter affixed to the door with a dagger. "<em>The Bird is telling the truth"</em> was cryptically penned onto the paper.<em> </em>J was arriving at the same time and gave us a look that said <em>don't ask me. </em>Without needing to say a word, we tramped indoors and began our search…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalSun, 08 May 2016 19:34:03 -0400's a Mad House<div><p>I absolutely cannot believe I am saying this... but Jeremiah is proving to be more useful that once previously thought. He has a certain willingness that gives him an advantage over the bull-headed attitudes of the other member of the TIP.</p> <p>On that matter, the others... they are acting deranged. Yesterday, Ren calmly punched Lucien in the face…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalThu, 17 Mar 2016 12:54:37 -0400 Truths<div><p>The library is damp and smelling of musty books. The furniture is rotted and the floor uncomfortable. I believe I hear a rat squeaking softly in the corner. Yet, curiously, there is no place I would rather be at this moment. </p> <p>The day started as any other, with Bird Girl flying out of nowhere to join the party, with fruit for the dinner days…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalMon, 14 Mar 2016 12:02:02 -0400<div><p>In my room at the Pangol Inn, I close my eyes and I see... a tapestry. It is grand, intricate and woven from beautiful glittering threads; as fine as the tapestries of my childhood. When I was young, I used to watch Grue weaver-women as they practiced their trade. I was somewhat mesmerized at the speed in which they wove their labyrinthine designs…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalSat, 27 Feb 2016 11:01:01 -0500 Began With a Box<div><p>My little journal is beginning to get rather full. I admit, I did not expect to write so often, yet when we have occasions of rest I find myself quietly writing and reflecting on the day. Today... I am not sure where to begin. So much has occurred. We have had loss, but also triumph. I expect it all began with that box...</p> <p>We left the Green Tower…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalSun, 07 Feb 2016 22:08:58 -0500 Turn of Good Fortune<div><p>Due to our adventuring, our little group of misfits is acquiring new talents and skills that make us quite respectable now. I feel that we shall grow in power until all people and creatures will know, respect and possibly fear the TIP! Yes, this is a good dream to have. </p> <p>All members were in a satisfied mood as we set out from Takros on our way to…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalSun, 10 Jan 2016 11:24:10 -0500 time ago...<div><p>As my physical illness has cleared, so too has my mood. I have found myself feeling light and almost happy. A most unusual state. I believe it to be this reason that I began to draw nearer to my companion Carnation. We easily fell into conversation, speaking of nothing in particular, talking about this and that, laughing without reservation at…</p></div>Narcel'Uss TanorthalSat, 12 Dec 2015 11:57:14 -0500