Muse TalesJournal of Muse<div class="ig-email"><div dir="ltr"><div>Entry 2</div> <div><br></div> <div>We have a new member of our caravan.  His name is Turtle, and he's a musician and collector of things.  He's also joined the Dreamers.  I managed to recruit someone!  I'm awesome.  His initiation was kind of gross </div> <div><br></div> <div>though.  Carlos sent us out to some farms that wherte having trouble with holes and dead animals.  When we got there we…</div></div></div>Richard CunliffeTue, 03 Nov 2015 22:34:40 -0500 of Muse<div class="ig-email"><div dir="ltr"><div>Entry 1</div> <div><br></div> <div>It's started!  The beginning of my travels to a better future.  Brother and I are now part of a travelling Caravan.  He's plying his glassblowing trade, while I will be helping people with Fortune Telling.  I hope my Divination will improve though, it's still so vague.  Oh, I guess I should mention the others we're </div> <div><br></div> <div>travelling with. …</div></div></div>Richard CunliffeMon, 19 Oct 2015 18:07:05 -0400