Last Updated:
December 30, 2015
Ryan Consell
| Version: 1
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While most cultures worship some iteration of the Gods of the Three Thrones or the Old Gods, there have been figures throughout history which have been worshiped. Some are worshiped as emissaries or avatars of the gods, others are revered as spirits of nature, and a few as gods, themselves. While the divinity, or even existence of many of these figures is dubious, most have had clerics obtain power in their names.
A god of mirth worshiped primarily by the smaller races before the reign of the Hellfire Lich. The remains of temples to him can still be found dotting the landscape and rumors exist that he has returned to the world.
Sometimes called the Sleeper or the Great Old Juan, it is an ambiguously large and terrifying force of destruction which has slept for eons. Adherents to the faith assert that the Great Old One must be kept in a state of perpetual slumber through acts which encourage peaceful dreaming. These include acts of kindness, donations of precious metals, reification of internalized synergy, and the self-actualization of the fully actualized self.