Last Updated:
December 24, 2019
Jim Tigwell
| Version: 3
| 1 follower
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Allied Factions: Therengrad Spellbinder's Ring,
Opposing Factions: Rilador, Tanril Agezar
The Camonna Tong are criminal entrepreneurs, offering careers in the fast-paced world of extortion, smuggling, slavery, and burglary. They have room for everyone from middle managers to young lookouts. Rooted in an ancient criminal syndicate from the hobgoblin Xiang Empire, the Tong have been persistently active in Temir for the past sixty years, stubbornly maintaining footholds and organizing crime in many of the Cities by the Sea.
The Camonna Tong organize crime by employing the disenfranchised and surrounding them with a climate of loyalty and being part of something larger. The specifics of how they do it depend on the region. Some use an organization of cells and keep operations clandestine. Others maintain an organizational structure that affords ambitious members the opportunity to rise in it. Either way, their policy is simple. People who commit crimes on their behalf will profit, and people who do not will suffer. The Tong have filled a lot of gaps in Temir, edging out other thieves' guilds with their aggressive tactics and external resources.
Everyone. Nearly. What makes the Tong dangerous is that they can employ anyone from urchin runners to Dukes, using leverage, loyalty, and infiltration to do so. Through their rackets, they make others complicit in their crimes and use that complicity to further their own goals. The Tong of Temir may be decentralized, but they still maintain a ruling council. Its higher ranking members can be found in the courts and councils of the region, influencing decisions at the highest level.
Despite the organization's size, the Tong have few allies in the region. Law-abiding organizations will typically have nothing to do with them, and other clandestine or criminal organizations regard them as an aggressive rival. The Rilador have a strict policy of hanging any Tong members they find on a raided ship. They maintain close connections with the Therengrad Spellbinders' Ring however, who have been known to provide magical backup and protection on sensitive operations, and afford their members protection from the Tong's influence.
Rank | Affiliation Benefits | Renown |
Straw Runner | Criminal Contact: You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network o f other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you. Knowledge of the Tong's procedures and codes | 4+ |
Lucky Knife | Proficiency in Intimidation, advantage on Intimidation checks when dealing with Tong victims. | 9+ |
Blue Snake | TSR mages will cast up to 2nd level spells for no cost (except for components), operational support 200 gp/month in spellcasting or expendable items. Must submit 10% of treasure to the Tong as a kickback. | 13+ |
Third Fox | Advantage on Intimidation checks when establishing new Tong business. Must begin grooming a replacement. | 17+ |
Hollow Tiger | Knowing Fold—Activate for a single use of a Locate Creature spell. Operational support: mobilize squad. Must survive periodic assassination attempts. | 21+ |
Grim Temple | Bonus feat: Lucky. Claim audience 1/month with any ruler. Operational support: mobilize a unit to act independently. Lose 1 renown per day when away from the organization. | 30+ |