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December 3, 2015
2This item is archived and can no longer be modified.
2This item is archived and can no longer be modified.

Hey everybody, the Ilderan Tales community is now PUBLIC. Our joy and shame is exposed to the world. 

Things that are public include: 

  • The wiki
  • All the campaign pages
  • Reflections and adventure logs
  • Each campaign's wiki section and membership
  • All of the microblogs EXCEPT the private channels. 

Things that are still private include: 

  • Your personal profile. 
  • The private microblog channel for each campaign
  • The campaign calendars showing the dates and times we play
  • Any secret reflection channels that exist. 
  • Pretty much anything I haven't specifically mentioned. 

People online can see content here, but they can't post or comment. Any tweets that go to the @IlderanTales account won't show up here unless I specifically add their author to the filter.