January 5, 2017
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Travelling northward up the river to rescue a prisoner in transit, the T.I.P. encounters a familiar face to some. A tiefling with a magical nature about him, Giacomo chats with Dorian Keene as the rest of the T.I.P. returns from a detour to interact with the Blanchwood Mystic. Dorian and Giacomo have had some dealings in the past and are seen joking together as friends once the weary group returns.
After some deliberation, the group resolves to intercept the caravan housing the prisoner. J and Åke scout ahead, with J adopting the form of a sparrow. After a short journey they reach their target and discover that the caravan is heavily garrisoned. They count at least 15 soldiers with a few noteworthy people strewn about. A human warrior strides with purpose from soldier to soldier, her constant surveillance ensuring that ranks are being held. She appears to hold the rank of Sergeant. In the rear, a goliath lumbers near the rear, a towering mound of earthen flesh. Its trappings indicate that it is a cleric of Arman. The last noteworthy person sits atop one of the wagons and is shadowed with a straw hat. His tattooed arm and dainty attire betray his nature as clearly not a farmer, despite the hat.
J descends into the cage wagon that Parker Garcia is being held. As she nears, a blast of song erupts from the cage. Though manacled and bound, the half-elf prisoner is not gagged. Nearby guards grimace at the sound. J is able to discern a few more notes about the prisoner, including signalling that the T.I.P. will soon be there to help.
Returning to the rest of the group, J and Åke begin planning a plan of attack to rescue their target. Dorian and Ren bicker about the correct approach - stealthy and minimizing personal risk, or direct and imposing maximum disorder. The group resolves to sneak in at night after the caravan sets camp, utilizing the group's magical prowess to gain an advantage.
Night descends the old forest, and the T.I.P. settles around the caravan. J casts a charm that prevents tracks from being made, despite Ren's attempts to sink into the loamy soil below. A fire warms the weary mercenary group, and needs to be considered for the attack. Åke imbues a stone with silence and tosses it to Dorian, which immediately creates a zone of unnatural quiet. As he does, J transforms into a giant spider and takes to the trees with Dorian, who intends to descend on to the cage, pick the lock to the key, then escape with the prisoner.
The silence arouses suspicion from the "farmer", who begins looking for the source of the silence. Dorian uses the source as a projectile and lands a mortal blow with a stone, knocking the sorcerer unconscious. The only other creature roused is the Sergeant, who begins kicking troops into shape.
Åke is keen to this and envelops the region in thick fog. Unable to arouse the mercenary band, the clearing casts an eerie pallor as the rest of the group awaits what happens. Dorian is able to feel around and pick the lock, entering the cage and securing the prison. Some soldiers emerge from the fog, where Giacomo, Rinn, Ren, and Åke await. They scuffle, with the Sergeant striking Rinn with a blade. Rinn's friends attack back, with Giacomo summoning a copper crown that saps the hatred out of the Sergeant, replacing it with blank terror. Ren hews a nearby guard and showers Rinn with viscera, and lands a strike on the Sergeant, wavering her resolve. Finally, Åke knocks the leader unconscious, after which the group retreats with their quarry.