Adventure Log
...bles. In which our heroes return to the Del Dega estate to help break the siege, Åke isn't all there, Dorian is waylaid for babysitting duty, and Danger gets swole. Oh, and apparently Rinn redecorated the south wing.
August 30
Our party arrives via bug-back at a window of the Del Dega estate. Claire lets them in and informs them of some of the goings-on.
House Pyracinie has hired Black Bell mercenaries and has laid siege to the Del Dega estate. Everyone is waiting for us to arrive.
Rinn has previously arrived with Jeremiah at the Del Dega estate, through means that shall remain obscured for now. Ake awoke in a storeroom with no memory of the last two weeks, or or how he arrived here.
Just the TIP…
...Back to Malkara we go! In which our heroes get hoodwinked, find out they've been hoodwinked, fly by bug-back, and skip literally over the ambush Jim has laid for them.
August 16, 2017
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Erturin and Refarid return from gathering firewood, finishing up a conversation. Refarid says, “You should just tell them.”
After much back and forth, Erturin tells them (under Suggestion from Dorian) that the stone “makes messiahs”. The Black Bell mercenaries were retrieving it for Primat Phillippa of Baneldud, priestess of Arman.
Several days later, Giacomo comes upon Refarid casting a spell when he is supposed to be gathering firewood.…
In which our heroes fight a dragon-shaped thing, acquire allies/take captives, and have dreamwalks with potentially very weighty consequences.
Dragon! Or is it...
A black dragon-shaped gathering of darkness, lit by the interior glow of souls it has consumed.
Giacomo attacks! He pops off a hex, then casts Hunger of Hadar centered on the dragon-thing.
Dorian fires an arrow into the wavering cloud surrounding the dragon. It seems to hit, to little effect…
The dragon-thing inches forward and breathes a chilling, necrotic cloud over our heroes.
Giacomo and the strange silver dragonborn, Erturin crumple to the ground.
J transforms…
Rin and Giacomo find themselves in a spooky dungeon. It appears to be a temple dedicated to Sarek, but it's full of burnt bodies, hellhounds, and Desmond seared to the altar.
As they explore the rooms, they notice that all the objects around them are thrumming with some kind of energy. Everything but Rin and Giacomo thrums, and they learn that it is because they are foreign objects. Rin discerns that we are inside a creature, specifically in its maw.
Ake and Ren find themselves in a…
The TIP reacquaints themselves with Jonathan Sorrow, who made a deal that had a unbearably high cost.
We begin at Shoreline Manor with Markus Sunspire, Rodrigo, and others arriving the next day.
We arrive from the Twin Spears, and Gregory awaits. He’s snacking on items in the pantry, but we need to get to business. Ren asks him further about what happened to drive the Bagsville-Sackineses away from their home.
“The spirits came alive. Haunting, hungry spirits.”
The conversation goes on, with Gregory mentioning stories of taxidermy and other interesting pursuits. It’s tough for him…
After returning from the Frontier and reviving the magic within Dorian's ring, the TIP seeks reward for their difficult quest but sees dissent form within the ranks.
We’re at Shoreline Manor after resurrecting J. The TIP is deliberating between what to do upon our return from the frontier, and we begin with Rinn deliberating with Dorian’s ring in tow.
The manor has been renovated and Jeremiah is showing us the new additions to the house. He brings us breakfast and the mail, which is from house Sidara. Rinn opens the mail, and it’s a package from their parents. Rinn’s parents are curious, or very angry, about how Rinn has been able to accomplish all of…
At the behest of Parker Garcia, the T.I.P. burgles and battles in Ban-Uldud.
J. is wandering about town looking for other Pangols. Mala is a nurse. Marius and his husband, Edgar, run a bar: The Arrow of Ice. Shasten works as a tailor in town. J opts to first visit Marius, her uncle. Marius has happily settled down here other the last few years. J is warmly greeted and mentions her brother was just in town a few days ago. He clearly feels J’s brother had fallen in with a poor group. He made a name for himself in town, which is why J has been getting looks and…
The T.I.P. thrusts into the stone fortress Ban-Uldud, convinced by Parker Garcia of additional riches earned before his delivery to the Malkaran noble house Del Dega.
After rescuing Parker Garcia from the clutches of the Black Bell mercenary company, the T.I.P. interrogates their new guest. The half-elf has magical prowess but is a bit preoccupied as he's chained with manacles. Ren cleaves the manacles with her anchor, freeing the former prisoner. Parker is gracious, then asks who the party is. He's overly delighted that the T.I.P. has rescued him, and regales the party with stories he has heard of their exploits. The new members of the T.I.P. react with…
The T.I.P. is introduced to a new ally. A heist is plotted. A furry spider makes a new friend.
**Notes for Game the 17th were not taken, but in short the T.I.P. has been commissioned to rescue Parker Garcia by the house Del Dega. A band of Black Bell mercenaries are transporting their prisoner North of Malkara.
Travelling northward up the river to rescue a prisoner in transit, the T.I.P. encounters a familiar face to some. A tiefling with a magical nature about him, Giacomo chats with Dorian Keene as the rest of the T.I.P. returns from a detour to interact with the Blanchwood Mystic. Dorian and Giacomo have had some dealings in the past and are seen joking together as friends once the weary group returns.
After some deliberation, the group resolves to intercept the caravan housing the prisoner. J and…
Imagine if you will, five mismatched explorers. Vacillating between light and shadow, between good and evil, between the pit of their fears and the limits of their knowledge. Tonight, they are exploring what kind of people they were, are, and will be in…
The Ilderan Tales
The burly red tielfing, Carson has taken Ren inside The Crimson Sail and begins to question her. (Carson looks like Hellboy.) “We need to understand each other.” He demands Ren tell him the truth about everything. He brings in a cowering young Orc called, ‘The Guppy’, so named because he gasps when he runs. They are brought upstairs.
Carson produces a throwing star, sharp enough to cut someone with ease. “Every time you lie, I will cut him. I promise you, he will live.”
Ren gazes back, steely…
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