February 16, 2017
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“Progress! Finally some headway into finding out more about the Black Temple Mystic – it seems like I’ve had to ask far too many people to squeeze out such little information!
Apparently a being by the name of “Simon” haunts the mansion, with origins from a cursed bed…I suppose I should not be so surprised – being in the T.I.P, there is never a lack of adventure. Ren seemed to dislike Giacomo and I from eavesdropping on her conversation, with whom we later found out was Simon, though I truly did not hear much at the time as I was practicing planking over the sweet delicious ‘tarts’ which apparently come in lemon and strawberry flavours….hmm…I wonder if River Kraken Ink would also go well in the pie shell as it would in the Frittata. I shall have to ask Jeremiah to try this.
I do wonder if Simon has any connection with that rocking chair in J’s barn… J learned of the same song I heard not too long ago in the mansion, and Simon seemed to know it as well when we confronted him about it over Frittatas. Anyway, Rinn’s dispel magic seems… dysfunctional? What was supposed to be a dispel magic spell became a blizzard of ice balls – I shall have to be careful around her magic from now on – and this does make me wonder if it has happened before…She was with the Diviner when his shop exploded, after all…
As we went to go and report to Del Dega, Victoria and Dorian appeared to have a history together – though one which resulted in an unfavourable relationship at present. In any case, Del Dega has agreed to help me more with the Black Temple Mystic – something which Parker seems to know more about – as I noticed he perked up when I mentioned it.
Ah, and I must not forget about Lucian. He seemed like a very well-informed fellow and I feel like he will be able to help me the most so far with the Black Temple Mystic – though I will need to repay him later with whatever deeds he wants – hopefully nothing too complex…what could a shopkeeper want that is so complex?"
What Åke said in the Confession
“This feels somewhat strange as I have never …. Confessed … before like this. Well, I am searching for the Black Temple Mystic, as I want – no – need to find out more about them, and about Mystics in general… uhm, well Sophia, I must confess that I sometimes wish harm on these so-called mystical beings. They have seldom been really helpful it seems – always speaking indirectly, in riddles, or simply nonsensically. Sophia, with how that event happened in my past, I must find out how and why mystics exist. What is their collective purpose, if they do have one? Surely they are connected. But should they exist? In the coming time, I have much to research and deduce many things. So I suppose I confess, Sophia, that I am at my wits end about the Mystics, and with the Black Temple Mystic being my 5th visited, I do not know if I could hold back as I did previously…