March 1, 2016
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I know we've been calling ourselves The TIP, but sometimes I think we're more of a Hair-Trigger Brigade. I tried to be diplomatic with regards to the sticky ownership of Shoreline Manor. Sure, this sorceress was basically just squatting in the Manor. But that's no reason to unnecessarily make enemies. She could have been a powerful ally, even. And the place is certainly big enough for all of us. And she was quite attractive, with a dramatic sense of style. That flaming red hair and her beautiful clothes... I'd have to subtract some points for leaving the manor in a complete and utter state of disrepair. Although I suppose it's not like she was planning to entertain guests. But I digress...
I tried to be diplomatic. But she incinerated Iskandar as some sort of statement, and the Hair-Trigger Brigade jumped straight to full-frontal assault. I can't entirely blame them. I just don't understand why my charms didn't work on her...
On the bright side, we don't have to share Shithole Manor with a crazy red-headed sorceress who keeps deadly monsters as pets. And we... inherited? Press-ganged? Jeremiah into staying on as our lackey. So that ought to help with chores and general upkeep. To think that they were going to kill him. So wasteful and short-sighted. You want to clean this place yourself?
When the Bagville-Sackins stopped by, I had hoped that perhaps we had some influential neighbors. People worth knowing, people with clout. But Vani's reconnaissance would suggest that they are perhaps just coasting along on the old family name, and of no particular consequence. Maybe we can help them. Isn't that what good neighbors do?
Good ol' Two-Face Reg is still buying from the rascals and fleecing the rich. He didn't seem happy to see me, but he's never happy to see anyone. He didn't throw me out and he gave us a commission, so I'm going to assume for now that I'm in good standing. And he said he'd see about getting us tickets to the wizard rave. That would be an excellent opportunity to try to reinsert myself into the flow of high society.
Yet again Vani's curiosity is causing problems. Well, we don't actually know for a fact that she caused a problem. But considering that everyone just about shat themselves when that whisper was released from the smashed box, I think we're all assuming it doesn't bode well. I really hope she'll take the chocolate bribe.