October 14, 2015
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Dear Mani,
I spotted a pond and thought of you. It was half-hidden from the trail, with beautiful leafy plants all along the edge. The fishes were not friendly. Apparently, they hadn’t encountered an aquatic halfling before. I swam in the muddy pond water for hours feeling homesick when someone from my party aimed a pebble at my head to get me out.
I’m glad I’ve gone on this adventure, but with the summer fading and what happened with Carmine… but you know about that.
I’m starting to hate pebbles. No, no, i could never hate pebbles... but I am starting to strongly dislike them when they land on my head. But... it was a shiny, pretty pebble, so I ended up keeping it… at least until I realized that now I had a full bag of pretty, pretty pebbles and it was difficult to lug around. Narcel’Uss gave me the look. I didn’t want to upset anyone so I buried my hoard of shininess under the forked tree that is fifty paces from Donghenge. Remember that. FIFTY paces. Must remember.
You’ll be wondering about my traveling group? They are wonderful! Krissy (although her name will probably change soon) understands my love for pretty things. She’s beautiful, covered with trinkets and shining in the sun. When a horrible, nasty, vicious, disgusting creature with absolutely no sense of manners tried to eat me today. Krissy flew to my rescue. Oh yes, she has wings! Even with the gaping holes on my sides (that had to be stitched up later), I thought it was quite fun to hover above the battle. Ren and I almost made it down the hole afterwards to explore. I don’t understand why no one else wanted to peek into the bellies of the beast’s tunnels. But Ren and I were good and waited for the others to make a plan. Must remember not to jump too far ahead, wouldn’t want to worry anyone. Ildan and Ren are such a treat to play with in battle! They sometimes let me stand on their shoulders and I can slash and jab and what fun! I like that I can protect their backs, keep my friends safe from harm’s way. Must remember to ask Dorien for more stories about his life at home. The way he talks is so fine and polished! Maybe if I ask really nicely, he might have one about his father’s wonderful magical store…
Jean and Narcel’Uss. I can’t quite read them, I thought perhaps they are sad? or annoyed? or indifferent? I tried to cheer them up but I don’t think a few hours of singing raised their spirits. I’ll just have to try again later. Never give up! I’m sure it will all work out.
Please continue to guard my little home while I’m away.
With all my love, my dear little manta ray
♥ Vani