November 25, 2015
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Apparently people like my acrobatics! I know you liked it when I swim about with you. J, Carnation (formerly Krissy!) and I managed to earn some wonderful coin as buskers. I’m careful to keep my hoard hidden and display the stones I find instead. Better for the others to think me silly then know I’m keeping a bit of my treasure on myself. Not that I don’t trust them… but considering some of their disdain for my rather… cheery disposition, better I keep parts of myself close. You remember what I was like in those days? I don’t want that to come out again.
I find myself drawn to J. She’s smart and seems to understand when I can’t get the ideas out of my head in a proper manner. The three of us made such a wonderful team buskering! I think I will stick close to her for this trip. Right! I’m going on another adventure my fine, large, floating friend!
Iskandar, the Minotaur (who does splendid work, I highly recommend seeing him sometime if he ever performs underwater, one of the best shows I have ever seen!!) is sending us on a quest for magical stones.
As soon as I heard this news I could scarcely keep myself in my seat! Magic, Magical, wonderful, magical stones. We couldn’t leave soon enough, I wish we had left that night! On our journey I had to keep moving and weaving and playing to not betray my eagerness. I believe I braided Ren’s hair full of feathers. It looks splendid and I’m glad I could perch there and hid my eagerness. I believe we ran into other travellers, but I daydreaming the quartz I found was one of those magical stones..
Ren had seemed disturbed by something during the watch, but I heard nothing. Narcel’Uss had almost seemed like she want to chat with me during the night, but didn’t seem to like the thought of music. I think I’ll try a different song with her next time.
I shall finish this letter to you later Mani, soon, SOON the magical stones! We are almost approaching them, I can just feel it!
With all my love (and possible a bit of magical stones), my dear little manta ray,
p.s. If you get bored, I hid a stash of odd human trinkets by the V-sized stone close to the front of my cave. You might find them amusing!