November 25, 2015
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Dear Mani,
I realized yet again that ones dear to me can die. The battle frightened me a little, but I think I gave as good as they got. Please remember to take care of yourself! When I come home I know you’ll be there and I’ll have many lovely treats to share with you.
But, I must remember. Sometimes my actions are… I need to be careful.
You will remember I had mentioned wonderful, magical, fantastical stones my dear little manta ray?
I had just tipped your letter in the nearby stream when we approached the site. I confess, the thought of the magic seemed to hold me in a hypnotic state. I felt drawn to the stones and couldn’t help my fingers from grasping the cold, hard, blue rock. I couldn’t just hold one, I had to grab another one, a green one this time. The others were watching me too closely to slip it into my pouch. J seemed disturbed, I wasn’t sure why, I couldn’t quite seem to concentrate on anything, but her voice snapped me out of my state and I wandered back to the group. They seemed concerned about a bit of mist and when I tested the ground by throwing one of my favourite pebbles, it sank deep into the earth. I was eager to go again, but the party suggested Carnation go instead.
If only I hadn’t been so eager, so quick, to pluck the stones! I wouldn’t have angered the mist creatures from the town. Both Narcel’Uss and Carnation almost died because of my greed. I feel horrible yet, I can’t stop touching and caressing my lovely stones. Oh my dear manta ray. I must be careful. I must...
I hope you are well my dear one.