February 3, 2016
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Dear Mani,
Shay knows me too well! You remember him, half-elf? Quite somber? From my other life? Well, following behind his tip, a strange large fellow that I’ll talk more about later, I was reminded of another little adventure I had had in the summer.
Shay had also tipped me off at that time too. I had been passing by the Pangol Inn (do you know the spot? It’s huge? Tons of people? Lots of nooks and crannies? Lots of little nooks and crannies with old magical little things? mmmm I think I felt my spider quiver from the thought! Well… I had heard so much that I wanted to explore a little… exploring is good! Best way to find wonderful new friends! And and and well, explore!
I may have also been almost eaten by a velociraptor… … but that’s no matter. I’ve visited before and I’m sure I’ll visit the Inn again sometime. This time though, I was there just as there was another a thief was taking something clearly magical from a hidden safe in the old magical shop! I knew we had to stop this fiend, I knew it! Since it was J’s family’s inn, (and she did save me from the velociraptor… although I’m sure I would have managed) she didn’t need to much incentive to chase after this horrible horrible horrible thief! We tracked him through the forest (I didn’t even have time to collect my pretty pebble rocks!) until we reached the territory of a dryad.
Now I don’t ever remember meeting a dryad before. They are quite slow Mani. They seem quite powerful too, like.. walking plants. She told us that the nasty, bumble-headed, wart-nosed thief had run off into the part of the forest that she couldn’t see. Of course we had to go after him! Just… carefully.
She had a lovely large dire squirrel, Skirada, which we could ride to the area while we left our dino-friend to rest with the dryad. Skirada and I understood the importance of pretty pebbles. I gave it some of my favourites from that time. My favourite was a lovely long oval-shaped pebble with streaks of blue and tiny, tiny streaks of white quartz. I took the time to give it a nice extra shine on my bag before handing it to Skirada.
When we arrived at the camp, there were about a dozen different large beings there. Mostly all human, but a couple of orcs. Such massive creatures. I don’t think I could ever imagine being that big. It’s just too much of a person in one spot. I like my halfling size.
It was such a serious campsite too. One orc didn’t seem very keen on being there. But then… oh then Mani I saw it. The item that the thief stole! It was… oh my. even remembering it from long ago makes me giggle in my march. It was a magical bow.
The orc didn’t seem to want it very much at all! And I knew that whatever these large beings were doing couldn’t have been good. There was iron! And talk of dragons! Why, this orc must be liberated from these dangerous shenanigans, and the bow returned to its rightful owners! What else are friends for, if not mad destruction of miscellaneous travellers and courageous triumph over magical questors?
Well… well Mani… after some careful deliberation with the cowardly orc, him on J’s very comforting crocodile nose in the middle of the lake, J and I decided to find more information and well. this is how we met Ren. :) Who would think after a mishap of almost knocking her unconscious with my knife and missing and J successfully knocking Ren out cold with a body of pure wolfish steel that we would be such wonderful friends!
I told you before, and I’ll say it again, friendships are best when born out of curious places! :D After all, think about how we met dear one!
Long story short, since I’m sure I told you this part already, the dragon was vanquished (thank goodness the cowardly orc wasn’t quite so cowardly), new friends were made (although some did die. Dragons are quite inconsiderate), and most importantly, the bow was returned.
I think I had a point to this story… but I can’t remember what it was… O! The magical box is moving again! OOOOOO I can’t wait to find out what’s inside! Maybe a spot for it could be made in my cave dear one? Make some roooooooom!
All my love,