Revealed Truths
The library is damp and smelling of musty books. The furniture is rotted and the floor uncomfortable. I believe I hear a rat squeaking softly in the corner. Yet, curiously, there is no place I would rather be at this moment.
The day started as any other, with Bird Girl flying out of nowhere to join the party, with fruit for the dinner days ahead. Where she obtained it or where she has been, I do not know. We delivered the golem parts are got a pretty price for it, which is favorable as the laborers were already working on the windows when we arrived back at the manor. A gnarly little creature seemed to be in charge. I could hear her speaking of "extra costs" for blood and curses... that did not sit well. Luckily, Dorian also had the good sense to realize we were about to be taken as fools and have extra gold pinched from our coffers. He sidled up next to me and hinted that intimidation may work well in our favour. I immediately realized his plan. Such negotiations are common with my people as well. I glided up to her and spoke with veiled malice, "Extra costs? Do you know who you are dealing with?". The creature performed her part of the dance and looked me up and down, "No... who are you?". I considered my next move. I could see many labourers about the manor. Angering them in any way could result in a fight, or worse yet, damage to our home. Then, I remembered Dorian. Yes, that would do. I pulled magic into me and with words that reverberated through air, ground and stone I commanded, "Sit boy!". He squatted like a dog on the ground. With this show of power, it was decided that no more costs would be added to our fee. I released Dorian and gave him a conspiratorial nod as he turned heel and walked off quickly, too pleased for words.
As a result of delivering the golem parts in a timely manner and in good shape, we obtained 5 tickets to the Wizard's Ball. In a flurry of activity, we began getting ready. J got to the bathroom first so I pounded on the door and continued to hound her until she exited. I spent some time inside, cleaning and pulling out some things from the bottom of my bag I had not touched in a while. I felt a well of emotion as I pulled out my Priestess robes and all of my charms and adornments that are part of this traditional attire. I felt the ghost of who I was meant to be and it was a bittersweet moment. I met everyone downstairs. It appeared that J had gone shopping and was wearing a very plain but well-cut cloak with leather pants. Dorian had clearly dug out all of his finest clothes and had polished his boots to a sheen. Bird Girl seemed extra fluffed and colourful... and wearing most of our assets. We all took turns convincing her to take off various pieces, which left her with a ruby necklace at the end. Ildan had disappeared to a bar as we delivered the golem and was still nowhere to be seen. Same with Ren. That left one more ticket. Vani bounced into the room. "Oooooo you all look so fancy! Where is everyone going??". We looked at each other and there was an unsaid understanding in everyone's eyes. "Uhhh Vani", said Dorian, "We are going to stand for a portrait. For a very long time. Yes, lots of standing and not moving". Vani's face fell and she scuffed at the ground with her toe. "Can I stay here?", she murmured. Dorian tried not to show relief in his voice, "Well, I suppose this time Vani it will be alright".
We arrived at the Dega Palace. I eagerly went inside with the rest, feeling a deep thrill at getting to be part of high-society again. As we entered, my hopes fell. This... madness was nothing like the entertainment back at home. Where was the order? Where was the structure? No one was clearly displaying their allegiances or house symbols and everyone was mingling together. There was wild dancing with no discernible pattern or form to it. The music? It made me think of a terrible keening noise I heard once in the dark, while camped next to a lake. No rituals, no speeches, no procedures. Chaos. I immediately found the drinks and went off to a table near the wall to sip at mine and watch everyone else enjoying themselves. After some time, a drink was passed to me. If only I had known this would happen, I would not have come to that cursed party. The albino Grue showed me something that made me feel like I had been hit forcefully in the chest. My mother's ring. Ildan must have.... but he could not have... yet there it was. I understood the threat behind the albino's words. Yes, I understand that the ring will make its way to the hands of the chosen should I not comply or should anything happen to him. I am trapped. He passed me more drinks and I drank those and more. I felt sick and knew I needed to get out of that place. The rest is a blur. I am not sure how much is real anymore. I remember almost tripping over some ball bearings on the floor then suddenly being swept up into a whirling dance. I remember a man burning through the back of my cloak in a clear affront against Nurzhan. I remember J dragging me away as I yelled at him and I believe I saw ball bearings falling from his sleeves. I think various cloaks were put on my back. I remember J mending my robes with her magic... I can't remember if I thanked her for her show of kindness. I saw Bird Girl and Vani dancing upon the stage, surely a vision granted by the alcohol. I remember the sky and ground tilting wildly as I walked home with J. I can't remember the specifics yet I feel that I had a very candid converstion with her. I do not remember going to bed.
I woke up with one thought. The ring. I felt sickly but I dragged myself out of bed and began my frantic search. It had to be a nightmare or a mistake. At one point I heard various members of the party calling my name, but I ignored them. The house was empty as my search grew larger. I spent the whole day upturning the house and found nothing. No sign of the ring. Betrayal. I blinked the tears from my eyes and felt my sorrow turn to blind rage. I ran out of the house. I knew I had to find Ildan and demand an explanation from him. "I'm going to kill him!", I yelled. For some reason, everyone was outside. They all ran after me! I tried to command them to stay back but I was exhausted and the magic was weak. They all caught up to me, demanding an explanation for my behaviour. How could I tell all of them the truth?
"He has destroyed me. I may need to leave...", I offered, not wanting to say more. I did not trust everyone's motives, especially Vani. Too many bad omens and visitors in the dark. Vani did not take well to this and began yelling and crying. "We were finally becoming a family! Who wants you anyway?!". Both her and Bird Girl were crying. I tried to explain that I was not trying to hurt them, in fact, I was trying to protect them from the truth. J asked for everyone to come back to the house. I gave in and agreed to come back.
What happened next was... unusual. "A family meeting" Dorian called it. J made tea which seemed to calm everyone somewhat. I took the opportunity to detect evil and found none lingering in my companions. Though, I could sense two desecrated objects upstairs. That will have to wait for another day. Each member of the TIP went around and revealed something about themselves, a secret, in order to prove their honesty and loyalty to the group. We spoke of rivals, broken ships, keys to dragons, the red star, betrayal of another "family" and missing rings. Seems most of us are running from something. Perhaps we are all together for a reason. Fate finds a way of binding those together who share similar destinies.
No one wanted to be alone after this. We all retired to the library, where we are now. A soft light bounces of reflective surfaces and fills the room with a pale, calm glow. Most members are sleeping or at least approaching sleep. I do not know what the morning will bring, yet at least for now, our family is peaceful.
Narcel'Uss Tanorthal