December 14, 2016
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The caravan arrives in town and head to the Church of the Lord of the Law where they meet with the Primate, a formidable woman, who agrees to revive Muse at no cost, provided we help bring a known thief, Nilam Hkahn, trying to skip town to the authorities. It is suggested the caravan brings the escapist gnome to the temple by pretending to offer him ride out of the city.
Olive decides to try and pass the message that the caravan will be leaving soon through the thief grapevine and meets with the local crime boss. Gene pays a visit to two of the Pengals family members living in town, Marius the inn keeper and his sister Bethany, a nurse for the local crime organization. GEFF books himself a gig at Dax Shepperd's Inn, the Blue Dragon Inn --formerly known as the Bell Inn --, for that night.
Gene and his aunt-ish Bethany find themselves at the Inn for dinner and Olive decides to come and take a peek at the concert.
GEFF played a lot of JEFF covers but decided to finish the show with an original, Take a look at my corpse, inspired by some of the melodies he has been collecting during his travels. Gene jumps on stage to help him/prevent him from invoking ethereal snakes and ends up turning the one-man show into a two-person band.
Olive eventually finds Nilam who mentions something about knowing it shows her things.