July 12, 2017
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While Gene is incapacitated by the hardships of travel, the party gets attacked by winter wolves. Yay, free meat and pelts!
After a long hard march, the group decided to find a safe place to create a temporary refugee camp and send Torteas to Ildir to get some help. Melly and Olive go look for a new campground, while Muse goes to hunt some more wolves.
In the meantime, being quite shaken by his new pariah status, Geff decides to organize his own trial to expose his side's of what happened and hopefully clear his name.
The trial goes relatively well and doubt is cast on whether Geff was indeed responsible for the catastrophy.
Dozens of Hearth's Keeper continue to make their way to the camp make their way to the Keeper and help around the camp.
Torteas has more or less agreed to sell the town into slavery in exchange for help and is on his way back. Right before his arrival, Olive performs one more miracle and raises a child from the dead. Also, spring is back.