June 14, 2017
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Gene begins his post dragon slaying life by asking a wooden druid about the Red Star. He is shown a scene of J Taking a battered human from a basement where a Gru that is glowing purple is doing something very magical. She tells J that she will learn the names of all the moons.
GEFF spends his day preparing the concert for the impromptu midwinter spring festival. Enlists a Gatekeeper named George to help set up the concert.
Tyrteus arranges a meeting with Lucas, his prophet/kabal leader friend, and payment for dragon slaying.
Olive mostly frets.
The dragon that was killed comes back and is molting into a silver dragon. They are very upset about being turned into something else. They ask Olive to fix them. Olive declines.
At night, Olive, Gene, and Alonzo meet up with Lucas and Tyrtaeus in a private room in the bard. Lucas is detected to be a demon and does not have the prophet anti detection field.
Olive check's Lucas' symbol. It is the chosen of flesh.
Over an extended conversation with Lucas, olive slowly comes to terms with the fact that she is a prophetess. She is only sort of convinced.
GEFF's convert finally erupts into a tidal wave of snakes big and small. Some are large enough to collapse buildings.
The group that had been in the meeting exits in time to see it begin but too late to meaningful stop it.
In the heat of battle, GEFF draws power from the audience through the snakes. The concert is completely awesome.
Olive freezes time. She stabs a snake, causing time to move forward slightly. Realizing that she can touch things and unfreeze them, she releases as many townfolk as possible and Alonzo and Gene.
Alonzo goes to bash GEFF. Gene passes him as much power as possible then moves to evacuate villagers andprotect Olive.
Time Unfreezes.
Alonzo hits GEFF like a truck. The snakes do not stop.
Gene leads the caravan away. The others stay to fight.
Olive miracles away the snakes temporarily.
The Gatekeepers move to capture Olive. Tyrtaeus picks up Olive while Muse occupies the Gatekeepers.
Olive holds the snakes back long enough to get most of the townsfolk to safety.