Last Updated:
October 13, 2015
Ryan Consell
| Version: 2
| 1 follower
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Gene is a bright eyed and enthusiastic gnome. He deeply values acts of joy, kindness, and hospitality.
He is slight and youthful looking, and lacks the characteristic facial hair of most male gnomes. He is often mistaken for a woman, even by other gnomes. This is an ongoing source of confusion as he has a twin sister that has a similar problem.
Gene was raised to be a wizard by his father, but displayed absolutely no magical ability whatsoever. In hopes of not being a terrible disappointment, he figured out how to fake many of the effects. He failed entirely in not disappointing his father, but became somewhat accomplished at doing ticks to entertain people a bars.
He eventually became an intercity cart driver and collector of formerly magical items.
A sleek black warhammer formerly wielded by Akron, dread pirate of the western sea. It is said to have cracked with thunder with every swing and could kill a man without damagin his armor. Lost in the legendary Raid of Malkara. Now used primarily for hammering in tent pegs.
Most notably worn by by the elven warrior, Il'eh'hra, while riding her hippogrif, Mr. Beakie. Together with her adventuring company, they turned the tide of the Battle of the Mist Plains against the incursion of extraplanar fog walkers. Gene wears the elf's mail t-shirt as a full-length hauberk when travelling.
A massive shield previously carried by Knight Champion Barrimont, Defender of the Realm. He is a great hulking goliath that works in the service of council of Isaard. In the unravelling, the shield returned to its original size, which was made for a halfling. He traded it at the Pangol Inn for some good whisky and some unicorn poop. Gene now travels with it because it's awesome and spiky.