November 8, 2015
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Dear J,
Do you remember ages ago when I told you about a drunk I pulled out of a ditch? He had a horn in the middle of his head, claimed to be an airship pilot, and called himself Alphonse. He seemed to think I was kidnapping him, at the time, so he stole my rum and ran away.
It turns out that he is some singer named Jeff, and he's joined our caravan.
Apparently he is quite notable in these parts, but I have absolutely no idea who he is. I feel like a unicorn rock star should have caught my attention, but I honestly have not heard of the guy. Everyone else seems to know his work and it's suuuper awkward to be the only one that doesn't. I mean, even Damis seems to know of him, and he's a donkey. I'm worried there's gonna be a singalong at some point and I'm not going to know the words.
Anyway, if you have any idea who he is or what epics he's done, Let me know.
In other news, we were robbed. Not very well, mind you. It was just a pair of bandits, I think it was the younger one's first go at it. We nearly killed the older one. It was really close, but he's a tough old ork-ogre guy... orkgre? ogrork? I wish I'd asked him what his people like to be called. Or her. Oh gods what if it was a lady and I used the wrong pronoun the whole time? I'd never be able to look... um... them in the eye again.
Do you know what to do with bandits? I'm always unsure. We tied them up and brought them to the authorities. I can't just kill them, but I feel like turning them in is just deferring responsibility for their deaths. I hope they don't get executed. They seemed nice, in a bandity sort of way. The kid definitely had promise.
Anyway, I had this great passenger for the trip that told me all the classic curmudgeon stories about how everything was both better and worse in the old days. He was awesome. Talked for the whole trip.
Hope things are well with you.
Will I see you back at the inn come winter?