November 22, 2016
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Hi J,
So stuff has gotten real weird. We went to a chunk of forest that's covered in demon slime and fought a mad sorcerer that was trying to summon something awful into a child. It was horrible and gross and dark and somebody died. Muse, our brave and very foolish companion died and I couldn't save her.
Worse than that, in the moment I thought that was right. We were underground fighting corrupted monsters and evil sorcerers and it was like I knew exactly what needed to be done, like I was supposed to be there and I had purpose and direction and I knew what was good and right. I could use magiv like it was the most natural thing and I dove into bloody combat eagerly. When Muse died I celebrated her noble sacrifice and fought on like some sort of crazy person.
It wasn't until we were back in the sunlight that I came to my senses and started throwing up like normal.
I think this life is making me nuts.
Also I think we may have released a demon.
Hope you're well,