Adventure Log
Last session: Avis found that the records from House Nocturnus have been expunged. BD was enjoying having a 'family', while Reni was having a chat with her uncle and cousin about what being part of House Vulcanus means.
New session:
Reni told her apprentices her secret. Alvin is confused. Jorge did not take it too well.
Rasmus charmed Jakob Sawsajer, the sausage merchant hired by Cairan to distribute food as part of a campaign event, to remind everyone how sausages are made of.
Avis and BD go…
BD and Avis sold the drake to Tress for 3,000 gold pieces. Villeneuve consider that the group that owes them a favour for ensuring Tress bought the drake from them.
Sa-Cha is out campaigning and selling door-stopper products: Cherroine and fungus creams. The new assistant, Isabella Pangol, appears to be quite efficient.
Rasmus is out canvassing when a black coach arrives to take him to Céline's house, an old flame who eventually married somebody else in High Town. Their relationship was…
After unsuccessful negotiations with Thar'qta, the mind-flayer disappeared but not before angering the hive we were standing near. The group barely escaped with their lives and eventually arrived at the edge of the river under the well. Sa-Cha's statuesque body was barely dropped during combat and only lost a couple of fingers. We've also dragged the green drake with us through the cave.
Rasmus decided to take a bath instead of climbing back up. Villeneuve heads out to find Tress.
After breaking…
After Sa-Cha got turned to stone, the group fought with the basilisk and the drake that appeared to check out the noise. After disassembling the basilisk and lassoing the knocked-out drake, the remaining party decided to get the F out of dodge.
On the way out, we bump into Thar'qta. Avis and Villeneuve attempt to negotiate ways out of there, while Rasmus and Reni babble incoherently. Sa-Cha remains unmoved.
The group decides to head down the well to look for Villeneuve. Rasmus decides to conjure Céline, the Ice Boat (with ice knives at the front) at the bottom to help the group cross the pond without getting into the water.
We head into the tunnels to see Riefan. He enjoys the wine and books. He is also quite surprised to hear Aster is still alive. Villeneuve was looking for the tower of Tharquta.
We made our way through a large hive, where we found a dead queen and many dead locust-ey bugs, then…
Rennie is invited to the Vulcanus mansion where we learn she is Agnespira Zadoras Iova Vulcanus, the legitimate heir of House Vulcanus, currently under the authority of Tarquin Julius Vulcanus (regent). He wants her to come back and resume her duties as head of House Vulcanus. As she leaves, he hands her Strings Attached, a really bitchin' flail that used to belong to Rennie's great-great-grand-mother.
The group has been discussing ways to get Kirk out of prison at Sacha's. Rennie and Rasmus…
After reading the notes from the Thieves Guild, the group decides to visit Pietro Petrelli's Poisonous Pets to inquire about Tress' visits. We learn from Pietro that Tress has put quite a large deposit to be next in line to purchase the next green drake that will be available for sale. Pietro is also inquiring about the egg that got lost in the shuffle during the auction and would be willing to pay quite a price for any information, the egg itself, or its content. From the conversation, it…
After finishing the map, the group went home and decided to reconvene at Sa-Cha's. While we were discussing who to give the map to, Aeson managed to take off with said map. We eventually track him down to Bath'olomuse.
After paying our dues using one of the coins offered by city guards to citizens as a token of appreciation and incentive to vote from Keiren Riordan, we head inside the bath house to meet with Aeson. We learned he dropped the map at a Guild's drop-off point.
In the meantime, Stacy…
After a short rest and an investigation, we realized we lost Aesom, and by extension, our maps. We decide to head back to Ooks, in case Aesom tried to escape and congregated in Aster's basement. As it turns out, he wasn't there so we headed back down.
On the bridge, we see traces of creatures headed to the cave in, where we head as well, hoping to locate Aesom. Since he isn't there, we elect to sleep next to the carcass of a weird beast that we booped on the head.
We pursued Marcus into the Tiefling mausoleum and turned him into a nutritious/toxic goo. We almost didn't all maybe die a lot. Avis found the tomb of Aurianna Nocturne, "the final daughter of the House of Night". Her name and sigil matches Avis' pendant. This pendant is made of onyx, a highly illegal substance to own. As we decide to leave the tunnels for the day, we noticed Aeson is no longer there.
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