November 23, 2017
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Do you remember that midsummer party we had, oh, it must be 30 years ago now. I suppose you don't were so tiny then! I thought of it tonight. Someone sang a song -- I don't remember what it's called -- but it sounded like the one that Eda-bard sang that night. So bright and joyful, you can't help dancing along!
I hope your new year celebration was more joyful than mine. Tax-takers came to us and spoiled our night. It will be difficult for many people. I have some of the gold from Jaanus-kin's pack left, so I will be fine. But there are so many who won't. I'm worried.
I wish you could have seen it, though! I tripped the tax-taker and friend-Rasmus conjured a puddle at the same time! Then friend-M'aiq made a joke that was so funny. I wouldn't do it justice but trust me you would have laughed with us.
The half-orc saw my face, so I hope I'm the first they come to, when it's time.
The people here are good. Well, they try to be. Well they would try to be if it weren't so hard sometimes. But they are good in their hearts.
I promise to protect this home.