October 14, 2015
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Dear E,
I'm sorry I haven't been able to write for a while; the summer with the rangers kept me on my feet more often than not, so I haven't had time. I'm back in the city now that the campaign is done, and it looks like I've settled in with something of a mercenary company, at least for the time being. There were a group of us that travelled and fought together over the summer, and it seems like we've formed an odd band.
We've been hiring out for odd jobs so far; We've had a couple very odd ones. You might hear of Donghenge on your travels. I encourage you to visit, if you're in the area. I hear it's become quite the tourist spot. Tell the Johnson's that Just the T.I.P. says hello.
I don't think I've ever actually told you about the folks that I'm travelling with, and with whom I find myself in this unlikely company. (We're calling ourselves Just The T.I.P., or the T.I.P., I'm not entirely certain which, or what T.I.P. stands for. I don't think anyone is sure.)
The folks that make up our questionably named band are assorted. Narcel'Uss and Ildan are an elf and her body guard; very serious, very stoic, for the most part. Dorian is a fellow that I'm not sure ever has any idea what he's about. He and Narcel'Uss have sort of formed a co-leadership of sorts. I'm curious how long that alliance will last. (You'll be amused to know, I'm sure, that I think Dorian is still convinced that I am you and he is on to my big secret.) There is Vani, who is a halfling with about as much energy and curiosity as I've ever seen. I think you'd get along with her swimmingly. (GET IT?) There is also Ren, a sailor whose taken it upon herself to explore inland, Chrissy (or whatever she is calling herself today) who is utterly terrified of Ren but would like desperately to be her friend (complicated story), and myself.
That's the lot of us, I suppose. I'm sure you'll hear more in the months to come, if all goes well. If you pass by the Inn, tell everyone I say hello, and I hope to be back before the end of the season to check on everything.
Hope you are well,
- J
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