Coolest Day Ever

February 22, 2020
| 1 follower
Ok, so ... Mother can never find out how amazing that was. She would never let me out of her sight if she knew I could have that much fun just exploring the grounds.

I mean, it might be a good idea to let Irine know about the giant centipedes and massive snake-thingys crawling around under her fields. But they haven't affected the harvest as far as I can tell. Maybe they're good for aerating the soil or something?

I thought Grey was just some stuffy robo-butler, but he is freaking badass, just slicing those centipedes apart with his walking stick?! And Willingly, the Burard's bookkeeper, just smashing the crap out of stuff with his hammer? Ellywick climbing into the massive snake-thingy to retrieve that dude's head? Elly's always been a bit odd though, so maybe that shouldn't have surprised me.

And I shot a centipede in the face with an arrow, that was pretty neat too.

And yeah, some of it was just really weird, like that hand running around by itself, the headless guy, and the other guy in the jar? Oh, and the brown jelly that smelled like soup... my arm still feels a bit wonky where it slimed me. I can't imagine what that stuff would do to someone's tongue... I'm a little concerned about Sun (actually, for many reasons).

I hope Grigori's Kenku friend recovers. He almost died, like, a lot. At least it kept them both distracted from trying to figure out where they knew me from.

I can't wait until next time. Man I hope there's a next time.

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