Last Updated:
October 8, 2015
Ryan Consell
| Version: 4
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Charlston Dickson - A writer and satirist of some note in Malkara. He rose from low standing to be a wealthy socialite and favorite of the bourgeoisie due to the fame he attained from his novels under the pen name "Geralt Oldman" based on the lives of the underclasses. Most notably there was a serial about the struggles of a young orphan girl on the streets of Malkara based on his interactions with Muse.
The Eternal Dreamers - A cult dedicated to keeping an ancient evil asleep. Known largely for their questionable taste in ceremonial attire.
Sir Dortmund and Sir Reginald - Two Templar knights that were smashing Davian's art, claiming them to be graven images and idols to heretical gods. The items smashed were actually three coat hangars, a candelabra, a decorative vase, a set of wine glasses and an idol to a heretical god.