November 6, 2015
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Rumours claiming that the famous bard known as Jade Empire Forbidden Fantasies had left town following an incident that involvedt he town militia (ed: see yesterday’s edition of the People’s Mirror) proved to be true. Sources confirmed JEFF passed through the North Gate earlier this week.
“He seemed in a hurry and was hiding most of his face” mentions Yan, one of the guards assigned to the gate, assuring us that, while in disguise he had “no trouble recognizing him.” The pretty bard was accompanied by several strangers in a caravan train.
JEFF’s publicist, reached for comments, assured us that this impromptu trip was simply an unannounced, yet planned reunion tour with old friend and fellow musician, Tyrtaeus Valentos. "Jade Empire has always believed that it was important to go and meet the fans in person, even in remote locations." She declined to comment further on the incident that roused half of the Southern suburbs Tuesday last.
JEFF is currently still ranked 10th most famous bard in the region; however an extended disappearance might help Early Dusk, following closely on the 11th position move up into the rankings.
Carmen Emerald, writer for the People's Mirror