February 23, 2016
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Only moments earlier, JEFF's most eager fans were patiently waiting for the return of the bard to Malkhara. Rumours were going wild about the show: an all give-away, no press allowed, fully booked venue. And considering the outcome, it was probably for the best.
Our brave reporters scoured the city and high and low and managed to get you the first feedback on JEFF's career-ending show, in exclusivity.
Balin told us that he won his show tickets at a trivia game at the Purple Troll the day before."I couldn't believe, the questions were so easy. You just needed to know the 7 most popular JEFF songs lyrics and his birth date. October 15th, just like my dog. Easy stuff, right? I was so excited. I brought my friend and then it all went down. The concert was fabulous, the flames were amazing. Jade Empire started playing 'You cast a spell on me' and then, suddenly, it all stopped. There was this recording of Jade, saying he only cared about wealthy Malkharians, and before you knew it, the ceiling dropped. I managed to escape but it was terrifying: the smoke, the flames, the screams, the cries. It was traumatizing. I went home and sobbed for three hours. I don't think I will ever be able to listen to another JEFF record again."
Marjorie, another survivor, recalled something being off about the first act of the show. "I am telling you, The Antidote usually plays very differently. And they don't usually cover Jade Empire Forbidden Fantasies' shows. Their styles are very different. I was their number one fan before they were even famous. I was surprised to see them there. But happy too. I love JEFF so much. Well, loved! Something bad was about to happen, I could feel it. I just can't believe it. It was so sudden. In retrospect, I guess I knew it was going to happen, Jade Empire's new tracks were too commercial. He sold out! That's what happens when you start doing drugs. It's the lifestyle, you know, it corrupts them. At least he went out quick instead of dragging it and milking his past glory for years like Izzy Isbirne."
Jade Empire Forbidden Fantasies is nowhere to be found. Sources claim they saw a hooded figure of approximately JEFF's height loom around the smoky remnants of the previously popular establishment the next morning. Jade Empire's publicist may also not have extricated himself from the inferno and have yet to return to his office.
Theories are running wild. Did JEFF fake his own death to escape the wrath of Malkhara's prince (see June's edition of the People's Mirror for more info)? Did the rumours of his decline to rank 15th in next month's Bard Official Rankings finally pushed him over the edge? Did his manager Ronaldo commit the unspeakable fearing that Jade would not renew their contract? One thing is certain though, Jade will never sell another album in Malkhara ever again.
Send us your favorite theories and any information you may have regarding Jade Empire's whereabouts.
Carmen Emerald, writer for the People's Mirror