June 28, 2017
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Hey J,
I'm glad you're alive again. Don't ask how I know. It's complicated.
I'm not sure how alive I'm going to be soon. There was a fight. Someone needed my power, he was a Paladin too. One of us needed to stay and fight to the end. One of us had to lead a retreat.
He stayed. I left. I gave him all the power I had left and he went to fight the giant snake monsters. I helped the townsfolk escape.
Don't go to Endamos. It's all snakes now.
All that power is gone and it's not coming back like it usually does. Something else expanded in to fill the gap.
Nature despises a vacuum. A talking tree man told me that.
Sorry if this isn't making a lot of sense. The others say I have a bad fever. I'm only awake some of the time. Even then, things are fuzzy. At least I'm warm.
I don't think I'm sick. I'm just full of warm red glow. I feel a bit like a caterpillar. I think I'm transforming into a butterfly. That might be the fever talking. Maybe I'm just gonna die.
Alonzo gave me his sword and told me to protect the prophet. I don't think I can do that right now. I don't think she needs me anymore, anyway. Maybe that's why my power didn't come back. I served my purpose. She found hers. I'm done. Maybe I can go home now.
The Red Star is calling.
I'll meet you there.
- E
Dani R, because I know you like good news.
Jim Tigwell, because I know you like tools with which to play.