Last Updated:
September 26, 2018
Marine DuDu
| Version: 2
| 1 follower
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Lady Azoria (half-elf, she/her)
Physical characteristics: Â
Day-to-day: Organizing luncheons with other ladies with open hearts and purses.
Personality traits: Her nephew felt sick from Demon's Dirge, for several hours. She took up the cause after his illness opened her eyes to the plight of the lower classes. For 1.5 year, she was the largest donor for Militants Against Demon's Dirge. She is now collecting funds through luncheons for Benevolent Envoy and Avian Keepers (B.E.A.K.). She is pretty sure the disease has been eradicated. She hasn't seen anyone been sick in months. Probably from never leaving High Town. She has accepted several awards for her donations to M.A.D.D. She is often congratulated in her efforts in eradicating this disease.