October 25, 2022
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The Unsinkable II is docked at Devil's Refuge, on Mistbough Isle.
The Unsinkable is distinctly not a pirate ship; just a ship sailing out of Volos who are also members of the Pirate's Guild for reasons. This makes them, as non-pirates, targets.
There is a large castle town on top of a cliff with an elevator installed going up the cliff from the docks.
Augustus Kincaid is on the docks, definitely waiting for SOMEONE.
The crew meets in the galley to let the rangers know the deal with The Abraxos. They all seem to understand. Nicholas Barnaby has a compass that indicates that they need to go vaguely upwards, which means probably to the castle.
The crew opts to disembark to try and gather information, but first they grill Ant about why the people here know her; the end result is that she does not admit to having worked the Abraxos, but definitely worked the Abraxos. She doesn't know if the people that know her will make it more or less dangerous for the crew.
Gnat King Cole summons Helga to tell her this place is very dangerous and that there are things here watching for her. Helga tries to disguise herself and opts not to leave the ship.
Everyone except Helga opts to disembark, bringing the compass with them hidden in a tankard. Ant is disguised on stilts with a cloak, sunglasses and a bushy beard. Her fake name is Beetle.
Alistair Blackwell is docking the ship as sloooowly as possible, to allow for time for the kitchen meeting to happen, but they eventually dock and talk to Kincaid. Kincaid is excitedly expecting the Demon Kingdom emissary, and asks if we know about them. Fletcher says that we don't know anything about an emissary, we're just here to install a radio transmitter. (We tell the mostly truth.) Augustus invites them and the rangers in for the feast that was prepared for the emissary, and the crew accepts. Swain recognizes that he is thinking on his feet and means us harm, probably.
We return back to the ship to discuss with the Rangers what to do. The rangers want to set up the thing anyway, since wandering into danger is sort of their cup of tea, so we make a plan to divvy up into teams and head into danger.
Attending: Bella Love, Patrice McFluffins, Hewitt Pangol Forthing, Mickey the Drink, Ant, Fletcher, Cypher, Swain, Kelis, all the rangers
Not attending: Alistair, Jack, Helga
Kincaid asks where Ant is; he heard people shouting her name. Fletcher asks how he knows her, and he says she was the best lookout they ever had; spotted the Black Gull for them.
The group (including the rangers and the transmitter) all takes the lift up the cliff; it is terrifying and dangerous, but they get to the top. The castle has sections of tunnels that are just burned through, with walls smooth like glass. Kincaid explains that Powder, their pyromancer, did the work for this.
Cypher, Ant, Patrice, Bella, the rangers and the transmitter try and sneak out of the party. Cypher drops a bag of pebbles and falls dramatically to create a distraction, and the rest sneak off. Kincaid finds this distraction HILARIOUS.
The other four guests at the party are spellcasters being interviewed to replace Powder, who is retiring; a rock gnome, a halfling, a dwarf and a ___. Kelis notices INSTANTLY that one of the people there is one of her kids; Assenia. She walks directly past Kelis and completely ignores her.
Team subtle ends up in the dungeon of the castle, and Ant ends up face to face with someone familiar, in a cell. She knows her from 6 years ago, on New Year's eve. She is very curious about what the hell we are doing here, and why Ant is so popular. "Oh you know, I was a temp for a while."
At the party, several people (including everyone except Swain, Beurk, Ant and Gregor) suddenly collapse, poisoned. Swain calls out Kincaid, and asks what his intentions are. Kincaid needs to "borrow" the rangers, and asks everyone to please kill some time while they do so, either in bars in town or in the dungeon, your choice.
Swain really wants to start a fight, but they are very outnumbered. He asks what Kincaid means by "borrow". Kincaid means "offer up to the Demon Kingdom". Swain, Gregor and Beurk confer about what to do, and while they are talking, Assenia casts sleep, which catches Beurk and Gregor, and Swain beats on Assenia until he is subdued.
Ant talks to Painter, who was turned in by the navy who decided to go rogue and look for the treasure, and offers to bust her out of jail, but does not really have the equipment to do so.
The other prisoners are rangers! Adara Ben-Dahan, Touma Solaria and Nyia Riser. The rangers warn Ant to get the heck out of there, since that way if the escape attempt fails she will still be free. They tell her to go to the forest and try and find their fourth ranger, Grigori, and Ant and co sneaks out of the castle.
Back on the ship, Helga continues to hide in the cupboard, and then plays a good consensual game of Captain's Hat with Alistair. They are interrupted by a huge gross beast (a "frog-hemoth") hauling itself out of the water and onto the shore close to the ship. The creature opens its mouth and three people walk out of it onto the shore. Danika, Oz and The Emissary start being intimidating to people on the shore until someone goes to get Kincaid.
Helga sends Chainsaw up to the castle with a note warning the crew that the Demon Kingdom has arrived.
Ant goes hunting for the missing ranger, and finds an outpost. She gets shot by a crossbow and yells all of their information to convince him to stop shooting her, which he does, and then asks a bunch of suspicious questions, but ultimately invites Ant up to talk strategy. He has been trying to construct power armour out of vines and garbage. It is going not that well. They discuss creating something the lightsabre their way out of the jail.
Helga is still back on the ship fretting about no one having returned. She summons Gnat King Cole to ask for advice, and summarizes the situation. Gnat says that he has an enemy here and that we are at the edge of his reach and he has no more power to give. What would Helga's mom do? The answer is probably march in there and punch someone in the nuts.
Helga tries to sell Jack and Alistair on putting on the world's greatest fireworks show, but with canons. A DISTRACTION! Draw out the pirates and demons, and signal the crew.
The crew all wake up in a dungeon together, without any of their stuff. Swain updates the crew on what happened, and Kelis is mad that Swain punched out her daughter. Fletcher sees that Patrice, Bella and Ant are missing, but everyone else is accounted for. The crew has been split across three cells; Kelis Beurk and Fletcher, Swain and Cypher, and the rest of the crew. The Rangers are all in individual cells, conspiring. Dame Jacqueline O'Hara is reunited with Nyia, who she was looking for.