November 22, 2022
members are following updates on this item.
Helga (Team At Sea) can talk and see/hear through Chainsaw now, and does so. He is doing a dance for a gnome in a fancy dress with golden eyes. The lady seems to know Gnat King Cole and does not think highly of him. She says that they will talk later, and tells Helga where her friends are and sends her on her way.
Chainsaw finds Ant in the woods with Grigori, Bella Love and Patrice McFluffins. They are trying to make contact with the boat. Helga tells Ant that the Demon Kingdom emissaries have arrived, and Ant updates Helga that everyone else is imprisoned.
Helga searches the captain's stuff to find a set of lockpicks, and sends them with Chainsaw back to Ant.
Along with Team At Rest, Fletcher tries and fails to pick the locks using the darts that Ant left with Painter earlier. Team At Small sneaks into the castle past some carousing pirates, noticing that the lift is coming up behind them. They beat up and interrogates some others. They learn that the Vault has two keys, carried by Andromache and Augustus Kincaid. They carry on and deliver the lockpicks to Fletcher, who busts everyone out of prison while Helga sets of the pyro display of a lifetime out on the ship, to distract anyone from what might be going on in the castle.
The VERY LARGE group (now comprised of most of the crew of the Unsinkable II, 8 Rangers and Painter) splits off into two groups; Team GTFO and Team Vault. Team GTFO is led by Ant and Swain, and has Painter and the rest of the NPC crew of the Unsinkable. They cut a swathe through some pirates on the way out. They run into Andromache and co, and defeat her and take her key and also a bunch of their gear for the unequipped. (This include's Andromache's platinum holy symbol, which is the same as Beurk's, so she gives it to him.)
After failing a couple of times to pick the lock on the vault, the party interrogates the pirates to learn that Kincaid is up in his room preparing, and will be down any moment, so Team Vault sets up an ambush for him when he descends. This goes very well, and they take his vault key.
They break into the vault, reclaim all their own stuff (including all the ranger's gear and radio stuff, and Grigori's power armour) and loot the heck out of the place. The rangers split off to go install their radio stuff, and the rest of Team Vault meets up with Team GTFO, and runs into Isenia, Oz, Danika and The Emissary. They are ready for a brawl, since the crew ditched the mission they agreed to.
Helga's distraction gets the attention of the Froghemoth. She tries to talk to it, and feels the same pull as she did to the henge in Ichthyopolis. The Undertow connects to her through it. It is not impressed, and starts beating on the ship.
Team Vault/GTFO manage to take down the Demon Kingdom people (mostly), and make their way back to the ship with most of the Rangers; Dame Jacqueline O'Hara and Niya end up having to stay behind.
They pilot their way through the wrecked ships and make their way from the island.