October 11, 2022
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Dearest Dadums,
Hey Daddy. How are you? I'm great. I'm learning a lot.
Just so you know, Captain Fletcher could give you lessons on glowering. Yes, we're talking professional level dad-disappointment. It reminded me of you, so I thought I'd write.
Also, can you do me a favour? If you're dealing with House Solaris now or in the near future, can you be extra careful and have the research team do some real deep digging on them, please? Sorry, I can't tell you anymore: pirate stuff n' all. You know how it goes.
If you see Mom during your travels and are still talking to her, can you tell her I borrowed her tiara?
Your 3rd / The one that made you say, "I don't want or need any more children!"
ps. The tiara with the multicoloured crystals arranged in a way that resembles two naked water genasi frolicking through a field of wildflowers.