October 27, 2017
members are following updates on this item.
Summary of Weather from the 22nd of June
Temperature at Dawn - 18 Centigrade
Temperature at Mid-Day - 26 Centigrade
Temperature at Dusk - 23 CentigradePrecipitation - None
Wind Speed - Six miles per hour from the North WestCloud Cover - One sixth
One barrel of Wizards of the Wending Wood White, sold to Tractacus Vryn - 10g
Five barrels of Sandalwood Red, sold to Eastern Rilador Trading Company - 25g
Subtotal - 35g
Summary of Expenses from the 22nd of June
One day’s wages paid to Zeckery - 10s
One day’s wages paid to Petunia - 10s
One day’s wages paid to Carlson - 10s
Groceries purchased from Mallow - 75s
One hundred measures of measured and planked oak wood from Titan’s Reach Loggers’ Guild - 5g
One barrel of Vanguard’s Best - vintage from three and ten years ago, donated to Celestrem of the Seraph Inn -
Subtotal - 31g 05s
Gross Profit - 3g 95s
Summary of Activities from the 22nd of June
An adventuring party came through Titan’s Reach on the morning. I’m suspicious about their intent, particularly if they’re looking to excavate at the ruins. They are likely looking to revive a magic item, and that is going to attract trouble once word catches on about the origins of Titan’s Reach. This location is flowing with innate and wild magic, which I’m certain will be open to exploitation if we aren’t careful. Mauritius has done an admirable job keeping the Panther’s Claw in good repute and repair while his family secures fame and fortune, but they will not be around for several weeks. He may need to act in order to address this threat to our town’s safety.
The adventurers travelled past the vineyard with our resident rogue. He must be following them to ensure their safety. I would’ve preferred to have a chat about this before he decided to help, but he’s an impulsive lad and difficult to reason with. Alas, the festival is approaching and after the noon I will be preoccupied with the New Year’s festival.
Addendum to summary of activities from the 22nd of June
Very nice! Looking forward to meeting this guy.