Out of Reach

Adventure Log

Photo of Luke BayneOffline
September 25, 2018

The Tinker, His Toys, & The Mysterious Friend(s?)

Luke Bayne

From the game on September 20, 2018

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Photo of Jim TigwellOffline
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Jim Tigwell said 5 years ago

The prophecy from the library. 

Stanza 1

Daughter of flame and mother of magic,
The First Witch stood proud amidst creation,
A sea of souls ablaze

Stanza 2

Seven old gods and nine foolish mages
Conspired to slay her immortal will.
Still her song abides

Stanza 3

It sings of Odam, the sly summer maid,
Whose blade cuts weakness from spirit and flesh
The night's own surgeon

Stanza 4

Witch of the water and kindler of souls,
Avitu walks with gift, song and smile,
The mother of monsters.

Stanza 5

Granting the eldest home in her army
Partashah forges all into one.
Shadow commander

Stanza 6

Stone spellbinder and city of sinners,
All who sing the hymn fail to wake it.

A chorus of dust

Stanza 7

When traitor's heir joins with House of halos,
The angel of the edge marks chosen line
Her coven endures

Stanza 8

When the stars grow cold and three are one,
The ember hymn meets chosen slayer
So ends her refrain

Stanza 9

While her song is stilled, the world finds order,
Free from her unbridled creation.
Beginnings. Must. End.

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for October 4!

  • Adventures
    • Escort Priscilla through the woods: 90xp
    • Find Avitu the Witch: 140xp
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Stelar: 
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log:  
  • Reflections: So many!
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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

Also, here are the comments from Joyful Steel, the angel of the edge, on what he'll need to make you a powerful enough weapon. 

The Core

"Every artifact needs a Core. A base. The heart that the rest is built around. Yours will need to be old. Ancient. Or unbreakable. Satrina is the First Witch. Her magic is primeval. Fossil wood, primal steel, a strong enough song...The bones of the earth, or the silver of the stars."

The Craft

"The Craft is the change. The heat and flux that makes one thing into another. I can manage the Craft, but I can't create it from nothing. If you can restart this forge, you'll have a chance. It'll need fuel. There used to be a planar gateway deeper in the city, but fire isn't the only option. Change comes in many ways."

The Cure

"You'll need something to cure it. To set the change and fix its shape. Water. Blood. Music. Poison. Whatever it is, it needs to pierce the heart of the Daughter of Flame."

The Catalyst

"The Catalyst is the spark. The element of enchantment. Souls. Secrets. Life. Places of power. Legends. I don't have one handy, not for something of the strength you'll need. Her will is older than the stars, and built in each of you."

Photo of Jim TigwellOffline
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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for September 20!

  • Adventures
    • Defeat the Tinker: 766 xp
    • Free the Angel: 184 xp
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Stelar: 
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log:  Done! Thanks Luke.
  • Reflections: Also thanks Luke!
  • Player vote winner: Amanda G‍! 

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Photo of Luke BayneOffline

Luke Bayne

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Ryan Consell

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Kayleigh L


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Elise Vist

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Close Quarters

DateBase XPAdventure Log XPNumber of Reflections
Oct 21, 20150



March 28, 2018330
April 11, 2018500

April 25, 2018

May 9, 2018480

June 6, 2018445
June 20, 2018800

July 4, 2018720

July 18, 2018410

August 1, 201828011
October 24, 2018110013

Out of Reach

DateBase XPAdventure Log XPNumber of Reflections
Oct 7, 20150

Oct 21, 20151200

Mar 22, 2018480

Apr 5, 201811612
April 19, 2018233
May 3, 2018191

May 17, 2018287

July 13, 20189161
July 26, 201872012
Aug 9, 20185401
Sept 20, 201895013
October 4, 201823014

Morning People

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