As redemptive journeys go, this one seems... skewed. When life got complicated in Ildir, when avoiding the Tong seemed impossible for two girls who lived to get into trouble, Ivan came and swept us away to adventure all over the place. Traveling to volcanoes and the the sea, showing Jovi and I how amazing the world was and all the things we could do. He turned my life upside down and looking back at it, he did that on purpose. Suddenly everything revolved around him. I used to quietly blame…
Jovi I don’t know what to think right now. I don’t know what to say and I don’t know how to feel.
It was so good to reconnect with you; to finally get to say all the things we both wanted to say. And I was happy to tell you I was sober, I was… ok. I had a purpose. You were happy, doing well with your music, enjoying winter in Endamos…
Then I told you I was going to Ildir. And everything fell apart.
When you told me that Ivan wasn’t who we thought he was I didn’t know what to think. I’m…
Oh life is so strange. So… I finally did it. I sobered up and I’m doing my best to stay there. But DAMN the people I travel with are making that so hard! I mean not everyone… I mean mostly Tyrtaeus…and J/GEFF… occasionally Muse… maybe a little Olive and Gene … ok everyone. But Totally mostly Tyrtaeus. He keeps offering me alcohol, and doing stupid things that make me question… things. So he… I dunno he’s like trying to bring back magic things through making himself… well demony. …
I met a man yesterday who could have been me.
I didn’t really think that when I first met him. When I first met him I was trying to kill him. He’d kidnapped children, tried to bind a demon into one of them, and he killed one of my friends. From the moment we defeated him and Gene the frustratingly pure knocked him out instead of killing him I wanted to end him. I didn’t even trust myself not to do it in the middle of the night so I focused on taking care of the children… and you…
So there I was, heading to Isard to check out that weirdo plague of snake bites, to see if it was plane based, nature based or stupid ignorant fucker based. I got there at the next to optimal time... Right after shit went down. I missed all the action but I got sent to talk to the good people who'd stolen my thunder.
Wouldn't you know, I know a few of them... You do too! The foremost being JEFF (excuse me, that's currently GEFF but you didn't hear it from me). And…
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