Out of Reach

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

The prophecy from the library. 

Stanza 1

Daughter of flame and mother of magic,
The First Witch stood proud amidst creation,
A sea of souls ablaze

Stanza 2

Seven old gods and nine foolish mages
Conspired to slay her immortal will.
Still her song abides

Stanza 3

It sings of Odam, the sly summer maid,
Whose blade cuts weakness from spirit and flesh
The night's own surgeon

Stanza 4

Witch of the water and kindler of souls,
Avitu walks with gift, song and smile,
The mother of monsters.

Stanza 5

Granting the eldest home in her army
Partashah forges all into one.
Shadow commander

Stanza 6

Stone spellbinder and city of sinners,
All who sing the hymn fail to wake it.

A chorus of dust

Stanza 7

When traitor's heir joins with House of halos,
The angel of the edge marks chosen line
Her coven endures

Stanza 8

When the stars grow cold and three are one,
The ember hymn meets chosen slayer
So ends her refrain

Stanza 9

While her song is stilled, the world finds order,
Free from her unbridled creation.
Beginnings. Must. End.

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for October 4!

  • Adventures
    • Escort Priscilla through the woods: 90xp
    • Find Avitu the Witch: 140xp
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Stelar: 
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log:  
  • Reflections: So many!
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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

Also, here are the comments from Joyful Steel, the angel of the edge, on what he'll need to make you a powerful enough weapon. 

The Core

"Every artifact needs a Core. A base. The heart that the rest is built around. Yours will need to be old. Ancient. Or unbreakable. Satrina is the First Witch. Her magic is primeval. Fossil wood, primal steel, a strong enough song...The bones of the earth, or the silver of the stars."

The Craft

"The Craft is the change. The heat and flux that makes one thing into another. I can manage the Craft, but I can't create it from nothing. If you can restart this forge, you'll have a chance. It'll need fuel. There used to be a planar gateway deeper in the city, but fire isn't the only option. Change comes in many ways."

The Cure

"You'll need something to cure it. To set the change and fix its shape. Water. Blood. Music. Poison. Whatever it is, it needs to pierce the heart of the Daughter of Flame."

The Catalyst

"The Catalyst is the spark. The element of enchantment. Souls. Secrets. Life. Places of power. Legends. I don't have one handy, not for something of the strength you'll need. Her will is older than the stars, and built in each of you."

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for September 20!

  • Adventures
    • Defeat the Tinker: 766 xp
    • Free the Angel: 184 xp
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Stelar: 
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log:  Done! Thanks Luke.
  • Reflections: Also thanks Luke!
  • Player vote winner: Amanda G‍! 
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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for August 9!

  • Adventures
    • Confront the truth and defeat the Nothics: 360
    • Discovered the Angel's Forge: 90
    • Discovered the Tinker's Playroom: 90
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log:  Done! Thanks Luke.
  • Reflections: 
  • Player vote winner: The vote is ongoing! Need a message from Luke Bayne‍! 
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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for July 26!

  • Adventures
    • Mauritius survives a duel: 220
    • Venayo recruits Hellsteve Woereaper: 140
    • Aiya made a charm for Anthony Ito: 360
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Lindall: 
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel (So close! Only not!
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log:  Done! Thanks Luke.
  • Reflections: 
  • Player vote winner: No vote
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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago


While the Crow Doctor is collecting the relics into their bag, they pause for a moment on a few of them, and hand them to you. There are a few shocked sounds from the exiles as they do, but the Doctor knows best. 

Tails: The Doctor scoops up a length of Tall Grass tartan and gives it a shake. Frowning, they shake it again, and wrap it around Tails like a cloak or mantle, pinning it with a small bone charm. Despite its weight and age, it feels fresh and cool, pooling without limiting his movements. "From what I've seen, you'll need this," the Crow Doctor grins, a thin smile at a joke only he gets. 

Over the next few nights, Tails finds the cloak fits better than any other, its enchanted weave able to ward off burrs and blades alike. 

(Cloak of Protection, +1 to AC and saving throws)

Mauritius: The shards of the stone dagger are retrieved, and the Crow Doctor spits on the largest one and hands it to Mauritius. "Still an edge left. Spit on this and whet your blade tonight, son of Denyr'tha."

The blade he sharpens with it is transformed, lighter and sharper. the grain of the edge taking on a dark, feathered texture. 

(The whetstone sharpens the blade, granting a +1 to hit and damage.)

Aiya: Plucking a fingerbone wrapped in beaded twine from the Uninvited Guest, the Crow Doctor's raven parts with a feather. Offering it to Aiya, he braids it into her hair. "For our honourable dead." It hangs to the side, and she can feel the weight of the knowledge she carried returning to her, a fragment of what she brought back from the door. 

Over the next few nights, the knowledge flows in slowly, and she apprehends things about memories she never noticed in the moment. Arcane charms she once struggled with become trivial, and she sees the world through clever eyes. 

(Headband of intellect, Intelligence becomes 19)

Venayo: The Crow Doctor approaches Venayo last, eschewing the relics in the dirt for a dagger on his belt. Takis's dagger, a hiltless knife forged by the Empty Fire people. Those black eyes meet Venayo's. "He never forgave you. He tried and failed. He hated you in his final moments for maiming his body and spirit." With a grunt of effort, they bend the dagger, twisting it into a crude armlet. "Wear this, and remember that strength alone is never enough."

When Venayo finally puts on the armlet, he's filled with physical power, But while stronger than he's ever been, wearing the dagger doesn't come without pain. 

(Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Strength becomes 19)

That's all the treasure! Each of those magical items requires attunement, and none of them have names. They're a great topic for a reflection, as your character acquires a relic of power.  

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for July 13!

  • Adventures
    • Fighting off the Displacer Beast attack: 233
    • Father Joseph and the Displaceowlbear: 300
    • Recovering the 5 Lakes Tribes' relics: 383
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Lindall: 
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Strago: Establish trade with the minotaurs
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log: 
  • Reflections: 
  • Player vote winner: Elise

Congratulations on level 4!

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for May 17!

  • Adventures
    • Venayo's return to his family: 175
    • Mallow helps a young couple choose: 112
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Lindall: 
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Strago: Establish trade with the minotaurs
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log: 
  • Reflections: 
  • Player vote winner: Luke and Kayleigh

Ya'll are a few reflections or an adventure log away from level 4!

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for May 3!

  • Adventures
    • Peaceful contact with the People of the Rabbit: 116
    • Encounter with Father Joseph: 75 
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Lindall: 
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Strago: Establish trade with the minotaurs
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log: 
  • Reflections: 
  • Player vote winner: Luke

Always remember that even if you can't make game, you can still submit reflections!

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for April 19!

  • Adventures
    • Defeated the Displacer Beasts of Rill Iryss: 233
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Lindall: 
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Strago: Establish trade with the minotaurs
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log: 
  • Reflections: 
  • Player vote winner: Jeff

It looks like we've got a pile of goals to fill, so expect me to be in touch about that in the Slack. 

Still time to send in and Adventure log, and you can submit reflections until the start of the next session for xp bonuses!

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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for April 5!

  • Adventures
    • Secured an alliance with the Ashkel: 116
  • Goals
    • Aiya: Save Asha
    • Lindall: 
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Strago: Establish trade with the minotaurs
    • Tails: 
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log:  1
  • Reflections: 1
  • Player vote winner: Elise

Still time to send in and Adventure log, and you can submit reflections until the start of the next session for xp bonuses!

Last edited by Jim Tigwell - 6 years ago
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Jim Tigwell said 6 years ago

XP for March 22!

  • Adventures
    • Defeating the Phase Spiders: 200
    • Winning the children from the Ettercaps: 250
  • Goals
    • Lindall: 
    • Mallow: Be the subject of a song they didn't write
    • Mauritius: Win a duel
    • Strago: Establish trade with the minotaurs
    • Achieved! Tails: Investigate the mysterious red light in the forest: 30
    • Venayo: 
  • Adventure log: 
  • Reflections: 
  • Player vote winner: Kadin

Remember, anyone can submit an Adventure log, and you can submit reflections until the start of the next session for xp bonuses!

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Jim Tigwell said 7 years ago

Things we're gonna do on Thursday

  • Design and name the town
  • Name the campaign. You can't be Thursday Nights forever. 
  • Talk about and establish everyone's Secret (feel free to send them to dnd@jimtigwell.com if you already have one)
  • Pick a Magic card for the new initiative order. 
  • Choose a character goal
  • Go on your first adventure!
Last edited by Jim Tigwell - 7 years ago
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Jim Tigwell said 7 years ago

My notes from the Lightning Round!

  • Phase 1: Connection
    • Jeff met Brent through a glitterbomb party prank, at Brent's birthday party
    • Laura and Ryan bonded as kids over a dog in the vineyard, cementing their friendship forever.
    • Kayleigh hid Harun when his vengeful ex was hunting for him, and her subsequent conversation with said ex left little doubt as to who is a pretty, fluffy kitty. 
    • When Harun first came to town, it was Brent who offered to close up his small wine shop and turn it into a forge, giving him a place and a fresh start. 
    • Jeff and Laura bonded over a rainy night, drinks, and cat puns. 
    • Kayleigh accidentally stepped into a duel Ryan was having, and collected a stab wound for her trouble. It got better. 
  • Phase 2: Confidences
    • From Ryan, we learned that Brent's wife is a formidable organizer, a native to the town, and the de facto mayor. 
    • From Laura we learned that Kayleigh broke something Jeff's and couldn't fix it. She tried to pin it on him, but it may come out in a moment of stress. 
    • From Brent we learned that Ryan secretly resents his parents, but has to keep up the act of being the Panther Claw Master and all the rest of it. 
    • From Kayleigh we learned that Harun's deepest fear is being existentially alone, with no one who cares about him. 
    • From Harun we learned that Laura has a crush on a trader who comes through town, currently unrequited, a man who always has time to make a kid smile and laugh. 
    • From Ryan we learned that Jeff spent a week as a human and had a tryst with Harun's ex. She is currently pregnant. 
  • Phase 3: Catalyst
    • Kayleigh - 10 of Winds - The pain of building new family - She missed the raid, and failed to defend the town. Her colony is gone, and she didn't get a chance to raise a hand. 
    • Ryan - Ace of Suns - The birthright of heroism - The raid was revenge on his parents. He fought valiantly, and did his duty. 
    • Jeff - 8 of Stones - Investment in the town's future - After the raid, he immediately pitched in to help the town rebuild, and inherited the Scratching Post for his troubles. 
    • Laura - The Oak - No one left behind - Conjuring healing brews as fast as she could, she couldn't save everyone from their wounds. 
    • Harun - 4 of Stones - No more innocents - He was one of the raiders, firing long shots into the town and trading bolts and spells with Brent. Regretting his actions, he changed sides, but damage was done. No one knows but Brent. 
    • Brent - 6 of Suns - My town, my fortress - A former TSR magus, he rallies the town to defense, working with the townsfolk to repel the attack. His home is his last bastion, and no one will take it from him. 

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