
D&D Group Overthrows Dungeon Master in Favor of Dungeon Democracy
I'd joke about how this could never happen, but most of our campaigns are already a dungeon democracy in lots of ways.
..."Anything anyone wants to do, they do. It isn’t democracy, it’s anarchy!"...
Thanks for joining us for Fire Over Therengrad!
We had Jes Brown, John N, Kyle Campbell, and Laura Von, and it was a blast.
It was tense as hell, and a really good time. You can read all about it when our Adventure Scribe Jes Brown gets her chronicle online. It was a pretty historic mark in the city's history though, with some beautiful character moments.
Of course, the game doesn't end with the end of the session. Here are some things to keep it going here. Make sure you're signed in before clicking the links, fyi.
- Click here to add your character to the Character wiki. Adding them means they're more likely to turn up in subsequent stories and even in other people's backgrounds. You're part of the continuity now.
- Add to the existing Character Wiki. I've added a number of the people you encountered last night, but if someone left an impression, feel free to add them too.
- Click here to write a Reflection, and tell us what your character thinks of the events, or even the next steps in their story.
I might set up a poll soon with some options for our January One-Shot, so keep an eye open for that. I'm also brainstorming a way to reward people for writing reflections and scribing for the one-shots, so if you've got ideas, leave them in the comments. Speaking of comments, if you write a reflection or character article, be sure to comment with a link, so we can check it out!
Hard to pick a favourite bit, but I kinda love the subplot that came out of Sir Landiss, his situation, and the sentence "He has one leg and no one loves him."
At the same time, Kyle and John and the great Councilor Bonking of 2016 was pretty great.

I photoshopped a GEFF.
This is unspeakably amazing.
Damn, that's like the David Bowie of Ildern Tales.
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August 30
Our party arrives via bug-back at a window of the Del Dega estate. Claire lets them in and informs them of some of the goings-on.
House Pyracinie has hired Black Bell mercenaries and has laid siege to the Del Dega estate. Everyone is waiting for us to arrive.
Rinn has previously arrived with Jeremiah at the Del Dega estate, through means that shall remain obscured for now. Ake awoke in a storeroom with no memory of the last two weeks, or or how he arrived here.
Just the TIP…
August 16, 2017
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
Erturin and Refarid return from gathering firewood, finishing up a conversation. Refarid says, “You should just tell them.”
After much back and forth, Erturin tells them (under Suggestion from Dorian) that the stone “makes messiahs”. The Black Bell mercenaries were retrieving it for Primat Phillippa of Baneldud, priestess of Arman.
Several days later, Giacomo comes upon Refarid casting a spell when he is supposed to be gathering firewood.…
Dragon! Or is it...
A black dragon-shaped gathering of darkness, lit by the interior glow of souls it has consumed.
Giacomo attacks! He pops off a hex, then casts Hunger of Hadar centered on the dragon-thing.
Dorian fires an arrow into the wavering cloud surrounding the dragon. It seems to hit, to little effect…
The dragon-thing inches forward and breathes a chilling, necrotic cloud over our heroes.
Giacomo and the strange silver dragonborn, Erturin crumple to the ground.
J transforms…
Scratch was visiting Gerald the Mystic when the demons and devils escaped. Scratch is trapped in the sub-basement, but relatively safe engaging in the sorting of piles of stuff.
Scratch is interrupted by the rest of the party falling out of the sky onto her neatly organized piles.
After brief introductions, the group bursts into action working out a path to escape. Muse creeps into the darkness, Mellie investigates the lay of the land, tyrtaeus ignores all danger and roots through the piles…
With the help of Olive's miraculous spring, the 800 refugees eventually arrive to Ildir.
The town doesn't seem too excited to receive an influx of visitors 3x the actual population, even with Torteas' promise to offer 30% of them as slaves. After a heated discussion, Gene convinced the Tongue's leader to re-negotiate the deal and the caravan agreed to solve the earthquake problem in exchange for food and shelter through the winter.
Midian informs the group we need to kill a devil named…
While Gene is incapacitated by the hardships of travel, the party gets attacked by winter wolves. Yay, free meat and pelts!
After a long hard march, the group decided to find a safe place to create a temporary refugee camp and send Torteas to Ildir to get some help. Melly and Olive go look for a new campground, while Muse goes to hunt some more wolves.
In the meantime, being quite shaken by his new pariah status, Geff decides to organize his own trial to expose his side's of what happened and…
Rin and Giacomo find themselves in a spooky dungeon. It appears to be a temple dedicated to Sarek, but it's full of burnt bodies, hellhounds, and Desmond seared to the altar.
As they explore the rooms, they notice that all the objects around them are thrumming with some kind of energy. Everything but Rin and Giacomo thrums, and they learn that it is because they are foreign objects. Rin discerns that we are inside a creature, specifically in its maw.
Ake and Ren find themselves in a…
Gene begins his post dragon slaying life by asking a wooden druid about the Red Star. He is shown a scene of J Taking a battered human from a basement where a Gru that is glowing purple is doing something very magical. She tells J that she will learn the names of all the moons.
GEFF spends his day preparing the concert for the impromptu midwinter spring festival. Enlists a Gatekeeper named George to help set up the concert.
Tyrteus arranges a meeting with Lucas, his prophet/kabal leader…
We begin at Shoreline Manor with Markus Sunspire, Rodrigo, and others arriving the next day.
We arrive from the Twin Spears, and Gregory awaits. He’s snacking on items in the pantry, but we need to get to business. Ren asks him further about what happened to drive the Bagsville-Sackineses away from their home.
“The spirits came alive. Haunting, hungry spirits.”
The conversation goes on, with Gregory mentioning stories of taxidermy and other interesting pursuits. It’s tough for him…
Olive makes attempts at running her apothecary cart like normal, but is quickly interrupted by a knight, bleeding and broken, who struggles up to her cart. She begs for aid. Olive, uncertain about what she should or can do, offers tea.
Olive uses her divine power to heal the knight who then dedicates herself to Olive.
A caravan full of badly wounded and dead people who had been attacked by a white dragon on the road. Olive heals and resurrects them all, surprising many.
Then everyone goes…
by BD
AGE 12
-paper (lots of it)
-bottles of ink (3?)
-quills (as many as I can get)
-chalk (white and ones with colours)
-chalk brush (to get rid of the chalk so he can draw on the floor and walls again)
-pack of cards
-toothpaste and toothbrush (might have to bring more since his bones are all out so he might want to clean his bones because teeth are bones)
-dental floss
-knitting needles and balls of string (2?)
-socks, hat, mittens (even stuff made out of bones must get cold)
-blanket (it could also be a…
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